Stop Micro Fashion Trends!

For the past few years, there seems to be new fashion trends every month. This may seem awesome, as more people are exposed to new ways of expressing themselves... but in reality it is very damaging to our environment. Regular trends lasty 5-10 years, while micro trends only last a few months or years. Resulting to this, consumers are over buying clothes that are of low quality in order to fit in with the latest trends. These low quality clothes are created from fast fashion, which contributed to an estimated 10% of carbon emissions in the world. Consumers are buying on average 60% more clothing items than 15 years ago. It is now estimated in the year of 2030, 134 million tons of garment waste will be created. As of now 94 million tons are created. Social Media is a large blame for these micro trends and fast fashion, which is why it must be addressed on them. There are ways to still enjoy the fashion you like, without contributing to the problems regarding micro trends and fast fashion. Try and thrift, which has largely gained popularity recently, but make sure to donate your unwanted clothes back! You can even try and make your own clothes, or redesign or old ones. Help fight back and save our planet, little changes can make a large impact.

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