Ode to Myspace

It's 2007, and I'm just a teen,

I just changed my myspace layout to glitter green.
My best friends at school are all in my top 5,
but I rearrange it everyday, so no one's deprived.
I update my status every time I log on,
either a quote of how I'm feeling, or lyrics to a song.
And although everything seems so trivial and intense,
these are the days that I know I will miss.

It's 2022, over a decade later,
old myspace is gone, and insta is full of haters.
I now have a spacehey, and its just not the same,
I can code, I can update, but old friends don't remember my name.
There is no top 5, not that I know the people I add,
but there is a sense of nostalgia, which makes me less sad.
I listen to all the old music, I still love all the same songs,
but myspace, my friends, my youth, is all gone.

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🌸Jasmine🌸's profile picture

Add some verses if you would like lol :)

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