I have so many problems but owning spiral steel boning could solve a couple of 'em. Meaning it may not fix my life but it would definitely make it better.
Not that anyone cares but hey it's my blog I can vent, you don't have to read this (I might delete it later tbh)
I've tried to find it online, but most websites sell ten meter rolls for $50, plus shipping!! But I've found another store that sells them for, like, $2 a meter which is much better. It also has a shipping fee of $5, but even after shipping it's better value for money, I'd just want to buy a bit each time to make it worth it. This store was out of stock for a long time, but when it finally restocked I tried to buy it, I got to the checkout, it asked me to create and account .... and then it asked me to create an account again.... and the accounts weren't going through.... and then I tried emailing the store and still haven't received a reply........
I'm just so sick of not being able to find affordable spiral steel boning. My room is getting overrun with cool fabric I found at second hand shops and I REFUSE to go back to using nylon boning until I have tried steel >:(
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