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Category: Music

A mystic and her ukulele

I just started in with the ukulele today I’ve been after the guitar for quite some time and getting good at the guitar but this is the first time I’ve actually done the ukulele and is that I am yours Bruno Mars song I think it is anyway it’s very it’s not the best song really for me but it’s It’s a start anyways to getting into the actual music why I got good with a guitar, but yet I still practice because I love to do it and then I am going to learn the ukulele through this ridiculous song which is OK for me but I thought I had any other toys reveal some other song was the only introduction song to the ukulele that I know so I learned some new chords on the ukulele today which was good I feel productive and excited I hope I can sleep tonight because this is like a cold brew coffee that from Tim Hortons that you just drank after you go to bed and you stay up all night this is Making the buzze in wired up. It’s exciting to learn a new instrument of you know it’s all on your own you’re still fine I’ll be practising practising a song for quite some time until I can get some actual songs that are good.

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