Getting rid of my mental health work for good part2

The chat with my mental health worker went well except for the fact that she thought I was doing piercings to hurt myself on purpose when really I was just doing them to honour my ancestors and I got a little infuriated with that but other than that it was a good shot I don’t have to worry about her or her stupid skanky ass anymore. I’m sorry for the language but we are saying that piercings and tattoos are addictive that’s weird.   The tattoos may be addicting when I get them but when I do the piercing I do them for the ancestors my Iranian and Persian ancestors my Himalayan in the central Asia annette ancestors this is clearly a case of age and age red all over again. In saying that I do the piercing said no the pain one really I don’t. I do that to connect with my Wigger ancestors and my Tibetan ancestors and my central Asian ancestors in South asian ancestors this is obviously not a case of me trying to bugger myself up for the front of it I’m trying to do this so I can actually be like my ancestors and look like them and be like them only in modern days some people just don’t fucking get it. Which is called racism and it’s stupid. As I said that the rest of the chat went well pretty well and I didn’t have to deal with the negativity except for the piercings that was What is a pile of shit right there so I decided I was going to ignore that part and just except the fact that I have to see her in a month again or hear from her in a month and hopefully everything will be fine from there. I am very hopeful that my file will be closed and I’ll never have to put up with the mental health system again because they obviously have it in for goths and punks.  

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