An Ode to The Lost [bad Poem]

They dragged you away!
In a straight jacket. 
Is that even legal still? 
Hey dude what are they pumping into your veins today.
I don't know. I forget the name a lot of consonants. Heavy on the Ks. 
You peacefully numb yet?
I want to slash my jugular with this double plated window. Which is why I am not allowed on my own. When I wake up it is to blinding light that never leaves. When I shut my eyelids I see a pale orange that I can't escape. 
I hide my pills under my tongue; I shower in front of a staff member who draws a sharp breath at the sight of my hipbones. 
"I would never let my daughter -"
I am not your daughter. 
It is my body and the one thing I own and I will not let you starve me of that.

Every night I pray for the people I met. 
Don't even believe in prayer but it is something tangible
Keep them safe! Keep them safe! Keep them safe!
Every night another fucking funeral.
Well I sort of knew her, I should go.
And stand in the back so nobody has to acknowledge
The reality of what killed her.

We've shared a cell a few times,
And maybe I'm a stranger,
But I would have died to have saved you from the ache we shared.

15 Kudos


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William's profile picture

I appreciate everything about this work...the honesty, the exposure, the fearlessness. But this 'Keep them safe! Keep them safe! Keep them safe!' The sharp, echoing urgency hits with pin point accuracey.powerful.

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Lord Byron Silverhand

Lord Byron Silverhand's profile picture

Why would you say this is a bad poem? Consider the searing emotion, which is more important than any meter scansion or rhyme scheme.

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I call anything creative I do bad!

by hrh eliott!; ; Report

Pish tosh, you stop that! [but no for real, relatable because We Are All Our Own Worst Critics (TM)]

by Lord Byron Silverhand; ; Report