Lil lore dump abt my worldz cuz ill be talkin abt them a lots

#rainbowcore from you've got mail!#rainbowcore from you've got mail!
A true god is a person/being that has been chosen by the wishing current(an interdimensional comet that grants the wish of the person they pass w the highest desire, turning them into a god that revolves around that wish)

A simple example of this is the case of Bridgette. Her wish was to give everyone dreams, and to put it SUPER simply, she can give people eternal dreams, enter their mind, etc.
A true god doesnt have to be human, but thats the most common form. When a true god gains their powers, their form may change depending on what their wish was. Every true god is highly unique in this regard.

The difference between true gods and gods are the method of how they obtained their power. Gods can be created by true gods, but not vice versa. A true god is always chosen by the comet, so a god CAN become a true god. What defines a god highly depends on the world they live. Basically, any super high power that is NOT created by the comet, is a god but not a true god. 
#rainbowcore from you've got mail!#rainbowcore from you've got mail!
The Zone World is a world thats on a 5x5 grid, with each space being a zone. Each zone is its own world, and is as big as our planet basically. 
What makes The Zone World super odd, however, is that it seems to be an "impossible" world. It appears to be significantly older than our universe, and yet it feels Modern day technology has existed for trillions of years, and human-like entities populate many of the zones. How this came to be is a mystery. 
The zone world was made by a true god, however its origins are completely unknown.
Within every zone there exists a singular entity called a Monarch. The Monarch of the zone's job is to store information within itself, acting like a library of sorts. Each monarch's methods and forms are wildly different, but they each MUST collect this "information." The purpose of this is unknown, but believed to might have something to do with the zone called 0,0.
0,0 is both a zone and not a zone. It is a place where nothing can enter nor leave, and whether or not a monarch exists within it is completely unknown. 
There is a dream, though. Known only to the strangest of folks. A common dream no one talks about. A dream of a strange girl at the center of the world...
#rainbowcore from you've got mail!#rainbowcore from you've got mail!

1 Kudos


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