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Category: Life

Brain is fried.

I woke up to a phone call accusing me of laughing throughout the night. Wasn’t, didn’t chuckle at all. Messaged my brother to see if he had his girlfriend over but even he didn’t have a clue where the laughing came from. I managed to convince the caller it wasn’t me. I was in a shit ton of pain both mentally and physically. I got up eventually and went to make food and it ended with me thinking about a nightmare I had. 

It was a twisted one and when I woke up I could still taste what was in my mouth previously. It felt disgusting so I added a shit ton of chilli to my food and down a fresh coffee to get rid of it. It’s worked but the images from that dream keep replaying over and over in my mind. It’s uncomfortable. 

I eventually calmed down a bit and sat for a while on my bed, lazily playing my guitar until my brain cracked slightly. Started crying as I played and couldn’t seem to stop the tears. There was no noises, just endless tears rolling down my cheeks. Somehow half my mind suddenly focused on noises. Boobs don’t make any noise but you really think they would. Like a jingle noise. Or the sun needs a noise humanity can hear, ya know? 

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Nomad's profile picture

What happened in your dream?

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It was sexual assault related. Very unpleasant thing to have before waking up.

by Negan Mactavish; ; Report

ouch! I'm really sorry to hear that, that's really horrible

by Nomad; ; Report