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Category: Life

READ! Mafia Awareness! The Mafia is MUCH WORSE then you think!

I just met someone, he was raped at age 16, he has watched most of his family attempt suicide. he has multiple relatives in the mafia, he knows a lot of gangsters. his uncle was found dead in a trunk and had killed 80 people on record. he got addicted to alcohol and drugs, he says it was his choice and mistake and advises everyone to not touch drugs nor alcohol. I could list soo many more ways his life is harder then all of ours.

Note: All this data is strictly set to America only.

The mafia killed over 1M people from 2000 to 2017.

There's currently over 2K serial killers in the mafia today.

The mafia kills exponentially more people then terrorists.

The mafia owns tons of "real" businesses, you may or may not have heard of them and/or associated with the business.

The mafia has massive influence over the government and politics.

You can ask any gang member in the world, people so heartless they harm anyone from baby's to the disabled or the elderly but they all don't dare fuck with the mafia.

The mafia is so widespread there's most likely members near you, people that can meaninglessly kill u easily and get away with it. You have seen and met members of the mafia!

The mafia isn't even acknowledged by most, they frequently kill people and chop their parts up and stuff, and all these terrible things, and they are thought of as "cool". gangster isn't cool, being mafia themed is disgusting. 

They intentionally use prison to train and recruit members.

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