Sunday sermon

Sunday sermon

Acts 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.

Acts 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

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Sunday sermon videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMhUSNCZq8_1_ZYKLX 


ON VIDEO [Verses from the Mass and Church Unlimited]

.Story from a dead man

.The dreams

.Giving to the poor

.The angel had a message

.Peter sees a vision


.Review of Passover

.A quote from the movie- Dead Poets society- Carpe Diem


Note- I talked about Easter- and Christmas- December 25th- I know Easter is not on December 25th- I was speaking about the ‘pagan’ backgrounds to these Christian holidays and wanted to say that God- thru Jesus [Logos- Word] is able to redeem all things- even the past ‘pagan holidays’ and change the remembrance of them to the Birth and Resurrection of Jesus- that was my point- 




Today I taught on the verses from the Catholic lectionary for this Easter Sunday,

I also taught some about the Passover- and how Jesus fulfilled what the Passover stood for-

The passage from Corinthians-

1Corinthians 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us:

The Jewish feast of Passover was a reminder of God’s great deliverance- the Blood of the spotless lamb was put over the doors- and the death angel [the price for sin is death] passed ‘over’ those homes-

Exodus 12:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,

Exodus 12:2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. [Some sites see here

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