sometimes life can be to tough and can knock you down, but when you have mental health issues it makes it 10x harder. so i was around 19 the first time i tried a hard drug i wanted to try it so bad. after that i only smoked ice and snorted coke i didnt drink or smoke pot. which at first it was fun then it became and escape. i finally got clean and went back to my alcohol and could drink a half gallon a night by myself. my mental health was faiding and i helped it get worse. as i thought i was fixing my problem instead i was making it way worse. i was edgy and just a total bitch when your high mental state and you use an upper it really makes you about to snap. little things really do get you to snap. with all of this being said the conterversy of smoking pot and weather its a drug or not is really a opinion. for someone that was already like she was on and upper then useing drugs messed up my mental health more. the only thing ive found to save myself funtion and think is pot. i smoke a lil everyday not to much just a lil here and there probably an oz a week keeps me mentally stable i can think and i sound like i have smarts. it doesnt do everyone the same because some people are already low and dont have racing thoughts and such. pot slows my head down so i can actually think about what im talking about and not just talking and fogetting what i was even saying mid sentence. i dunno its the only thing that has worked ive tried plenty of prescriptions and they dont help me at all. so you be the judge for yourself not everyone else you know what helps you not what helps them.
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