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Category: Music

my thoughts on social media

1 - intertwining music and politics

so i was thinking. i recently had my whole world crushed when i found out krist novoselic from nirvana was a trump supporter - or atleast agrees with some of his ideology. and it made me realise my view on whether politics should be intertwined with music is extremely nuanced depending on the situation.

like obviously, i would want to know if someone i support is a terrible person or supports fascism. and when celebrities speak up on politics on their own volition, that's great (or not...depending on the views being stated) but i also feel like this whole culture of "forcing celebrities to speak on things that are happening otherwise they are a terrible human being" is reductive and unrealistic. 

now we all know music and especially genres like rock are extremely political in origin. genres such as rock and hip hop are rooted in speaking out through art. so i understand that when, a rock artist for example, doesn't speak on something political - when a lot of their past work is rooted in speaking on political things - is kind of hypocritical. 

i'm a person who likes to give the benefit of the doubt a lot (huge fault of mine but will i stop? probably not) so i don't necessarily fault them for not talking on something. while a lot of musicians do speak on political or social issues through music, i still don't think that's enough to brand them an activist or expect them to act like an activist. i just don't think a lot of these people are built for that and that's okay.

there are musicians who are activists. they actually work with charities, organizations and non-musical activists in their daily lives. and that's awesome. but expecting musicians who are not like those i mentioned to be fully aware on political issues that even i as a normal citizen do not fully understand.... it's just unrealistic.

i think musicians have an important platform and can share a lot of info - but when you don't know something - it's extremely easy to spread misinformation just because you feel like if you don't share this random instagram infographic, you are a horrible bigot who very clearly agrees with whatever bad thing is happening. like can we please get some nuance!!!!!!!!!

2 - social media "activism"

twitter and instagram activism isn't real. hard pill to swallow cause i know a lot of people think they really are doing something but i hate to break it to you but you are doing absolutely nothing. let's be realistic. the only things that help in terrible situations is money and laws. money, is the easiest solution to feel like you are helping someone because it does help, and if you cannot donate to anyone or anything, you are not a terrible person for gods sake. laws on the other hand - absolutely impossible to influence or change unless you have serious power. so i'm sorry 14 year olds making carrds, you cannot change the law or societal things that have been in place before the 7 billion people currently existing even were conceived. 

i understand the guilt that comes with the terrible shit that happens cause trust me i feel it. but good god, not posting a carrd, or being unable to donate or even do anything, it doesn't make you a horrible person!!! no matter what a random twitter user who is way too chronically online says!!!!

3 - people are actually way too chronically online at this point in time

something i hate about social media is how it has turned non issues into big big massive issues that need to be tackled. social media has always been adamant on going against bigotry like racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism and that's awesome!!! but in turn, it's almost as if people have to turn every single thing into an issue now. for example, on tiktok, i see so much shit about "ableism" that is literally only an issue you will find online. i am autistic so i feel as if i can speak on this as i do experience ableism in real life and also online if we look at how many times the r slur is used constantly. someone saying they don't like your favourite minecraft youtuber is NOT ableism. twitter and tiktok have a serious problem with watering down things to the point where they mean literally nothing. and it's a huge slap in the face to people who experience severe ableism everyday.

not everything has to be a callout. not everything is an issue. things can be resolved in a dm. you do not have to constantly be calling people out to seem like an activist or a good ally.

ok idk what these thoughts were tbh just a jumble of things i regularly think about sorry if it wasnt worded well ok have a nice day

2 Kudos


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