why must I paricipate in school?

Guys I do not understand this๐Ÿ˜ญ Like why must I listen to this woman spewing random words out her mouth praying that like 3 of her students understand and fails everyone else? Like I'm doing this unit on the holocaust rn and she's having us present in front of the class asap and if we're not done she's gonna fail us and it's literally only 2 days that she gave us to get it ready... Like excuse me? Last time I checked we kinda needed to be able to think before we present in front of the whole enitre class damn๐Ÿ˜‘. Im literally cramming in everything last minute cause my whole group was busy on the weekend so I was told not to work on it. Like we can't even ask for a little bit more time- Anyways still working at 3:54 in the morning with fuel from passsing out the second I got home and then waking up at 1:53 in the morning๐Ÿ˜œโœŒ

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