Remember what I said about losing my friends?

Someone sent my friend soop something about me and she wont tell me who or what. apparently this is why she and my other friends are acting weird about me. I'm fucking shaking rn, I hate this so much. I hate highschoolers. why cant they talk shit out like adults? dont be a fucking pussy if you have something to say say it to my face. 

"idk i just saw something and im confused about a lot of things. something was sent to me but i wont say who for reasons."
is what she said, and for what reason are you not going to tell me who is gossiping about me?

shit like this is why I wanna be home-schooled. EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL I go to, I somehow end up being the problem or the outast or fucking bullied for no reason. I'm so damn sick and tired of all this. I want to curl up into a ball and sleep forever, forever being death. I am so fugging alone at school now because of how I get treated. I am about to pull some Hannah baker shit /srs
cant you just show me what they said about me so I can fucking defend myself? I'm sick and tired of people saying I'm a horrible person for things I havent done.
I'm gonna ask her to see the message when I see her in lunch, but she probably wont let me. at this point I have nothing left here and probably will stop going to school if this continues.

2 Kudos


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Sophiexx's profile picture

just push through it thats all you can do. And yea youre right every school theres gonna be drama and bullies but you just got to get your education and leave and if someone wanna say something to you just tell them to fuck off!!!!

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tysm darling :)

by Vessy!! (Thot#6!); ; Report