All about mapleshade 🎱BEFORE READING. PLEASE TAKE A NOTE INTO THESE TRIGGER WARNING. - TW// Death, Murder, Child death, Talk of hilusnations so mapleshade is a tortoiseshell she cat, who is a girlboss. Basically her life as a thunderclan cat was amazing, she had a good family, a good mentor, their medicine cat took care of them and everything. But she fell in love with a riverclan tom, Appledusk. now half clan relationships are FOR.BID.DEN. like the WORST OF THE WORST, and she knew this ofc, bur love tramples all or smthing and she had kits with Appledusk. she claimed the kits dad was BirchFace to make them seem 100% thunderclan, however a riverclan cat RavenWing noticed who their real father was (some how??) and told everyone. so she and her like 3 month old CHILDREN, had to leave thunderclan, now at this time thunderclan was at war with kittypets (i think kittypets kept coming into their territory??) so it was un-safe to house her children there (not...really but ya know) so she went to riverclan hoping that Appledusk would help, the river was rapid that day, And she needed to cross or be killed by thunderclan patrols. so she carried one kit and had the other two walk across the stepping stones, however a wave came and knocked all of them off the stones. the kids died (😢) and when she washed up onto riverclan shore, she was shown her dead children, she turned to Appledusk hoping he’d comfort her or something, but he turned away, he had a riverclan mate ReedShine. (note; the kits could have been saved if riverclan noticed a foreign cat on the brink of entering their camp. dumb riverclan.) and the leader of that clan was also a piece of shit so they banished this cat who just nearly died, whos children just died, who was banished from her home, and her mate just left her— and whats worse SHE DIDNT GET TO BURRY HER KITS. so dirven by this extreme anger, she ran off, and just kida hid for 4+ days, before deciding revenge for her kits, she started off by trying to kill everyone that tied into the finding out of the kits real father, killing that riverclan cat who started it all, RavenWing, then Frecklewish, he was Birchface’s brother and helped raised the kits when BirchFace died (he died somewhere its not important to this) finally she killed appledusk (DESERVED.) and she almost killed PerchPaw (AppleDusks apprentice) but he had killed her first somehow? anyways when she died she cursed AppleDusks bloodline saying she’d kill them all, And so far she has. the only one left is mistystar. anyways in The Last Hope all the darkforest cats (where evil cats go when they die) attacked the living cats and starclan (cat heaven) and her motive was kill all the kits so they know how i felt. even more so thunderclan/riverclan kits. WHUTCH IS HORRIBLE im just think shes a cool cat
Warrior cats info dump
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