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Category: Life

May the third and more

At the moment it's extremely late. It's already the next day minutes after four pm. Although I wanted to mentioned what happened several hours ago on May third. It could have been much earlier. I felt awfully drowsy after midnight. On the third that wasn't the case. I gave Angel medication at ten am on May third. She later had it at ten pm. Angel ate timothy hay and timothy hay pellets with Romaine lettuce. As mentioned she has been eating and drinking water normally which is great. It had been the same with Angel walking around. My youngest sister was looking after her while we left at eleven forty am. First we had went to dunkin donuts. My mom, oldest sister and nephew had went there as well. We had ordered bacon, egg and cheese croissant sandwiches. Instead of the yellow cheese we had asked for the white cheese. It was a bit random yet I think the white chesse goes better with that particular sandwich. We also had hash browns and donuts. My nephew only gotten a drink from dunkin donuts. It was a small refresher drink in peach flavor. We had went to Starbucks coffee afterwards. My mom, sisters and I gotten drinks from there. I had a large kiwi starfruit refresher drink. My mom and oldest sister had large iced coffees. My youngest sister had a large strawberry frappuccino. We brought it back for her. It was after twelve thirty pm while arriving back. Basically we took the food and drinks back to eat. During three pm I wrote inside my journal. Also what happened on May third we went to publix supermarket at four pm. We were there for less than twenty minutes. My oldest sister gotten California roll sushi and five grain bread from the publix bakery. At six pm we had went to walmart to get a couple of items. That was also a short shopping trip except for the lines were very long. We waited in line more than it took to get the items. Luckily we didn't have any frozen items. I would have went back to get another item. It was seven pm when arriving back. My mom cooked fried catfishes with steamed broccoli at eight pm. I had lemonade to drink. For today on May forth I woke up at eight am. A couple of hours later I felt drowsy as mentioned. I wrote poetry and inside my journal at one pm. Afterwards I made pepperoni and mozzarella cheese bagels. I didn't find the particular brand of pizza sauce at the store. Therefore I made it with out it. In my opinion it's optional. Maybe next time I will add pizza sauce. It was a good attempt of the pizza bagel from Einstein bros bagels. That was lunch for today on May forth. I've been inside mostly for today. It's likely I'll be going to the store in another hour. As of right now it's late at five pm. I will be playing toon blast and bejeweled for a few minutes. I will continue on with the rest of today. Peace until next time.

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