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Category: Blogging

My MySpace story

In 2003, I got an invite from a friend through email to sign up for this new MySpace website. At first thought, it seemed like it was just another "rate my face" website to me, but wow.. was it So much more. I signed up, slowly figured things out and started uploading poorly taken "angled" selfies. Eventually, some of my knowledge with HTML worked its way into my profile and it became more.. my own. Of course this was well over 15+ years ago now and All of that "knowledge" is completely gone, lol.

I am still friends with a great number of friends that I made through MySpace to this very day. I even recently as of 3 years ago went to a music festival here in my hometown with a friend and former girlfriend. We got to watch In This Moment, The Offspring, Soundgarden and A Perfect Circle, with the latter being the first time we held each other, in a friendly manner and just enjoyed the moment.

The most fulfilling thing I ever got to do with MySpace was run the band Cold and Burn Season's MySpace Band pages. I was and am still friends with both bands and you can even find me in the music video for "Gone Away" by Cold! I started noticing more and more of my favorite bands joining MySpace, adding my favorite songs so all us fans could add them to our pages. Although, if you were really good, you knew how to add just an entire playlist! So I started up both pages and over time, added thousands and Thousands AND THOUSANDS of fans every month. It became so overwhelming that I was constantly emailing them to just let fans add them to their "friends list" by default and not have to be approved. Approving 500-1000 fans every single day, 10 at a time, was the most Taxing part of it, but eventually they gave in and made it happen! I would start Bulletins asking fans to post what songs they'd want on the page, first it was 4, then it became I wanna say.. 6-8? Maybe more? Being that middle man with the fans and the bands was so a neat experience. I never got paid for it because I never wanted to. Just being able to post news, fun little updates, change up the music and share fun stories was a treat in itself.

I look back and have regrets like deleting my original MySpace profile and losing contact with people I shared so many great memories with. It's never going to be the same again, but it's more than I ever expected to be able to relive some of the good times again!

3 Kudos


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