vs.angelllzzz's profile picture

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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

men in emo bands from 2000-2012

why do all men in emo bands from 2000-2012 have some kind of relationship with each other?

like im mainly talking about pete wentz and gabe saporta but still
like how pete is gabes musical producer, how pete has a picure with literally everybody. like why has he fucked literally every emo man in existence? like we all know something went down with mikey, (from mcr) and probably something unspoken with ryan (p!atd)
and frank and gerard (mcr) definitely had something happen between them, also gerard and bert (the used)? weird shit. 

everyone was just fucking eachother emotionally and pysically.

i love early 2000s drama i feed off that shit lol.

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rainy's profile picture

literally!! the freakout i had to realize that petekey was probably Real. Even if i dont want to believe it it was probably real and true and thats so scary what other man has pete wentz drank the piss of

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Ash's profile picture

2000's emo band drama is my life.

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