2018.03.11 - Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: A Lament

Consumed by depression
no hope for the session
just more regression
without a confession.
To stand alone,
go toe to toe,
go through the throes
of fighting foes
who are so close
yet never knows,
the pain of breathing
staying not leaving
withholding bereaving
with anger seething.
how can they say
get in line or go away?
no love have they
when sheep go astray.
they don't understand
just blind reprimand
drilling the band
without sword in hand.
quick march, move on
don't stop or you're gone
step two step one,
step three step none.
when shepherds eat sheep,
none hear them bleat
no need to repeat
no hope for the sheep.
pierced from inside
they meet their demise
"save us" they cried
but none were so wise
as to check their own step
as toward death they crept;
the devil claimed debt
while the guardians slept.

I had a legitimate concern about accusations made against a leader. When I inquired, I was essentially told to shut up and but out. I am no longer a member of the organization.

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