What's this? A blog feature that doesn't require me to have my own website and establish an email list for?
It's kinda cool and rare to see a social media website that let's you have your own integrated blog that people can subscribe to using the social network itself and not through external means like email. It's almost like the text version of a YouTube channel.
I was thinking of doing freeware VST plugin reviews so maybe this would be good for that (I don't have enough to say to warrant making YT videos about them).
Actually this site has a lot of stuff that is really missing from most social media sites. Not even just in the sense you can customize your stuff, but it has lots of different outlets for different styles of media and communication. Like having a blog, forum, instant messaging and bulletins/status updates all in one allows some serious flexibility in how you communicate whatever it is you want. I can understand why other websites don't because it's complicated and maybe on a larger scale it turns enough users off to it to make a bump on the stats tracking, but it is extremely convenient if you want to put the time into it. I've been looking for something like this for a while.
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