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Category: Blogging

The Golden Age of the Internet is dawning once more

I can't believe it. I've been bitching and moaning and whining, just ask my bf. I kept saying how it's just not fair that we can't have sites like myspace or myyearbook anymore. I kept saying it over and over again, that all the major social media conglomerates (gods, I hate how that sounds) stole our creative energy off the web and gave us a sterile corporate padded room, safe from unprofessional profile designs and *gasp* personalities.

And now look at me, I'm here. On a site like myspace. And in another tab, I got open, ready to go hogwild. I just saw the coolest fucking profile layout that looks like windows xp. My profile looks like a dead goth's obituary.

I'm literally so happy right now. It's 2007 again, and I just feel like celebrating, uploading the pictures from the party on photobucket, and embedding them in my about me. Unfortunately, it looks like I have to pay for photobucket and ya girl is broke af. So imgbox it is.

*incoherent excited screaming*

8 Kudos


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Lord Byron Summertime

Lord Byron Summertime's profile picture

Flapping and flailing, ain't nostalgia great?

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It is, especially when it has an outlet or two!

by Rebecca Jeane; ; Report


by Lord Byron Summertime; ; Report