OKAY so this is a little late, but I have so much to say about yesterday, since it was Wednesday. It's my first day back since my suspension right? Well, there was a huge fight between those two girls, one of which had been stabbing the other, and now, there's gonna be another fight between like 4 guys, 3 of which are against this one really short guy. They're tired of his shit and his girlfriend is cheating on him with the guy who came up with the plan to jump him. But this is all besides the point, I'm here to update you all on how my first day back went.

The morning went well, this was when people were discussing the girl fight, and my lunch was chill too, except, the vice principal, said she was gonna be there for my lunch to watch and make sure max doesn't talk to me, but she wasn't there, nor did she contact me again since I returned from suspension. The whole day was pretty alright, but as I was leaving for my bus at the end of the day, Max, the ftm kid who sexually assaulted me, was standing there. This is a mildly big deal because he wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. But as I was saying, he was staring at me as I walked by, smiling at me in this really creepy way.. He looked as if he wanted to steal my skin, give it back and be best friends. (he used to make this kinda joke a lot when we were together)

But it scared me really bad and I'm hoping he doesn't come up and talk to me. if he does I'll scream and run away. I was told that in my case, I cant file an official statement or legal document saying he needs to stay away from me. Which is fucked up in my opinion. All they dd was gimme the option to remove him from my lunch. No punishment for him or anything. School makes me so mad. If your kids are getting r@ped and abused, shouldn't you punish the r@pist?? I was the one who got suspended. For why? "school disruption". Complete bullshit in my opinion.

1 Kudos


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