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Category: Life

Trauma Coping Via Regression

"Kitten Regression" by Me

   Age regression, or "agere", is coping mechanism practiced by those whom didn't have a safe or "proper" childhood and thus had the chance to be a kid stolen away from them. Being forced to grow up quicker than most and become the quiet and "mature" child so that the abuse/neglect happening to or around them wouldn't completely drive them to insanity.
   Regression can have many forms, there is no right way to do so either, there is your way and then there's the stereotypical way but that does not invalidate your regression.
   "Little Space" is a term used to describe the state of mind that the subject goes into when they regress into a personally specific age range. The overall ages one could become are from newborn, a few months old, to even preteens, 11-13 years of age. It all depends on the little's desire to go back to before they experienced their trauma, if they want to write over the age that the bad stuff happened during, or go to an age that they generally associate with calmness and innocence.
   Unfortunately for regressors, people tend to associate them with age play and diaper lovers and thus they are either harassed or have their safe space compromised by those of which have ulterior motives for interacting with them. So let me go ahead and make it clear, age regression is not a sexual act and the two never cross. If they do then that is no longer regression, that is either dark age play or there was an aggressor involved.
   Littles can not give proper sexual consent when they are within a headspace, they are not capable to think as an adult when regressed and some are even non verbal and cannot talk no matter how hard they try. Regressors should be treated the same as literal babies and children because of this and this is not an exaggeration. 
   Agere is a wonderful and rewarding coping skill if done in a safe environment. Just a few activities are coloring, watching your favorite cartoons, cuddling with stuffed animals, taking naps in onesies or footie pajamas, and if you find someone trust worthy enough to share this side of you with you can have a caregiver make you your favorite childhood foods and have a pillow fort adventure with.
   Caregivers, or "CGs", are not necessary for littles to have but they can make regression easier to deal with and even help you regress when you aren't able on your own. They are people that feel benefit in caring for and looking after you, helping you thrive in headspace is their favorite thing. Making tea for the tea parties so that you don't burn yourself, talking to the stuffed animals as if they're alive because you say they are, filling up your sippy cup or bottle so that you're properly hydrated, and letting you know when it's time to take a nap or pick up your toys. Although this all can seem like a lot to handle, or even a hassle to the outside world, CGs feel no ill will towards doing all of this and more. In fact, they would feel horrible if they weren't able to do this for their little one.
   Another subcategory of regression is pet regression, or "petre". This is exactly what it sounds like and is just as intense as agere because those who go into an animal state of mind can hardly talk majority of the time. The animal types are limitless and can even be fantastical if the mind so needs it to be. Puppies, dinos, kittens, unicorns, bats, and so on and so forth there is truly no limitation to what a pet regressor can become. Playing with squeaky toys, meowing, barking, walking on all fours, eating from a bowl, begging, zoomies, being in a crate, sleeping on a dog bed; these are all activities done in petre, in addition to agere fun.

Personally, I did not have the best childhood and by middle school I was experiencing such a deep feeling of fear and self hatred that it's safe to say that I wasn't the average bubbly and social kid. In fact, on my good days I would behave akin to how I do now, the problem being that I am currently 20 years of age. I lost my childhood and my only good memories are of when I was surrounded by cats and when I was a baby crawling around on the floor, so if you read everything I've mentioned before it should be easy to guess what I regress to. Kitten space is my most common regression with occasional newborn-2 years little space. Being a non verbal and animal main without a CG is fairly difficult and so my regressions are rare and far between. This is due to the fact I am unable to comfortably regress around my family and when they are gone, it is extremely uncomfortable to stand up right and make myself food. When I am able to regress though, it is a dream. Babbling and getting hyper just from hugging my stuffed animals sends so much serotonin through my system that I wish I was able to do it more. I am currently working on getting a CG, we'll call him J, I was able to have a discussion with him about it my general regression and he seemed very interested and worked to ease my anxiety about me opening up to him. I went all in too, letting him know that I'm a paci user and an annoying meowing kitten since I'm non verbal and can only use "cat language" and even then J wasn't weirded out or try to distant himself (which was what I was so nervous about). He thought it was cute and even started to include my stuffed animals more in our conversations, which was wonderful.

Mood board was made by me and can also be found on my reddit @ willowrainn101

- Regression: To return to a former, less developed state.
- Age regression in therapy is a psycho-therapeutic process that facilitates access to childhood memories, thoughts and feelings
- Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event/s

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