This is an Ironic first post, being that is is a rant, but its well deserved honestly. The only reason I have time to write this is because I got suspended from school. why, you may be asking? Because I took action to expose my r4pist because my school would not. He sexually assaulted me and 7 other students, yet the school hasn't done anything. Students had begun taking measures of precaution, such as pepper spray and r4pe whistles. The school became a fairly unsafe and uncomfy place due to this student, and he had been harassing me and others for quite some time. I did what I did because he had pulled the last piece of straw holding up my tower of rocks. He lied to the school counselors saying I had told him that I was going to off myself when I HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO HIM IN MONTHS!!!! He single-handedly tried to get me sent back to the ward. After this incident, I took it apon myself to expose him for what he really was, so the school would have to take immediate action. Yes, I admit, I may have gone about it the wrong way but he really really deserved it. I made a post on all my social medias with the title "R4PIST" and wrote about what he did! it got around the school fairly quick, students had shared it, supported the message and EVEN CAME OUT ABOUT HIM ASSAULTING THEM TOO!!!
On the same note, when he had lied to the school about me "offing myself" They forced me to come out about what he did to me against my will. They called my mom and told her (she already knew) but they never actually classified it as "sexual assault". They never gave me the option to file a report with the SSR or ANY of that. They said they'd speak to him. When they did, it got worse, he harassed me in the hallway via name calling and bullying.
Back to the story, the word spread fast and I was called down to the office and they reprimanded me for calling him out? They SAID "if him assaulting you bothers you that much I guess you could file a report." DO YOU NOT CARE??? They said they were going to suspend me for 3-5 days, but never mentioned what he did to me and other students and no punishments were given to him.
If my school wont take up protecting and spreading awareness about assault, I will. He got what he deserved and frankly, getting suspended was worth it.
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I'm EXTREMLEY sorry that you have to go through that. This is a perfect reason on how the school system is HORRIBLE. You truly deserve to be heard by your entire school because SA (especially in schools !) are rarely EVER taken care of in a legal action. If you want to, definitely update on how everything is being handled
Yeah for sure, I agree with you on all of that, I´ll make sure to update everything on whats going on!
by Vessy!! (Thot#6!); ; Report