Movie Review Series: Episode 7 - Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter:

I don't know what I expected Haha. My only reference is one game, but its the one this is seemingly built off of. And overall I mean, combining both worlds as a plot device. Sure. I guess. It really seemed like he just wanted military fatalities though. There could have been no two worlds and it would have done better. Putting up the language barrier wouldn't have been necessary, which seems like a big hindrance in the movie rather than oh, she's on a different world so no speak English. [Laughs in chocolate.]

Other things we could/should have had were the actual civilizations in this world rather than just sand dunes, open desert, and caves. You get a forest area once, and in the game that's where you start and what you see the most of. But like, these "playable areas" aren't what world building is and that's honestly what hurt this the most.

So now for the breakdown. The monsters were excellent. (5/5) That's the only thing I found excellent. The world weapons and armor only saw true use near the end, again part of the world building. World building (2/5). Story (2/5). Acting (3/5). Mostly cheesy, but some good acted scenes to be honest.

And that's why I ended up at 3/5 overall or rather-


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