Sneak Peek.

Story: Catherine

Warm thick humid air hit him instantly, the environment was so lush full of plant life, and even seeing the occasional Fairy hovering nearby.

He didn't have much time to ask questions or look around.

Lots of camera flashes started hitting him not soon after once people got a good look at him.

Anxiety soon was kicked into overdrive. After the flashes from the cameras ceased for a moment, he was approached by an Elf reporter who worked for H/M News. 

"Your father would die if he saw you here, and rightfully so," she said to him in a sharp voice. She was attractive, with cream skin, blonde hair hanging down to the middle of her back, hourglass figure, blue eyes, and wearing a tight black dress, sewn with blood-red ruby's scattered around.

He took a second to catch his bearings then sighed already hearing the mentioning of his father before responding quietly while adjusting himself. "I am quite sure he would."

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