This is part of a series of posts about the concept of kin and its history. For a more comprehensive explanation of what kin is, check here. A glossary is also included at the bottom for convenience, as not all terms are immediately explained.
Work on this post started 23 Feb, 2022, and was completed on 24 Feb, 2022.
It was last updated on 05 Aug, 2024.
What changed: Unlisted entry. Keeping it up for posterity only.
Awakening is the process one goes through as they realize they might be 'kin. It's quite an antiquated term now, but older communities still use it (I'd say it fell in popularity once kin became more popular on Tumblr). Despite its lack of usage in newer communities, it's a pretty useful term to explain when you learned you were 'kin.
A person of any age, race, mental state, or ability can experience awakening, and it takes many shapes and forms. Some people may take years to full realize they're kin, while others may just suddenly wake up with the realization. Outside sources can also trigger an awakening, or the beginning of one - this is more common with fictionkin, who may slowly start to realize they're 'kin while looking at the sources of one of their kintypes. However, sometimes fictional sources can trigger an awakening for otherkin (for instance, even if they aren't a Tolkien elf, LOTR has influenced many elfkin, and may have even influenced the Elf Queen's Daughters).
Many people who are 'kin do not feel quite at home in this world, or do not quite feel human even before learning what otherkin (or fictionkin) is. Some of them may have figured out that they are 'kin before ever knowing the terminology, however learning about 'kin may also help people realize these things about themselves. A friend of mine claims that he remembered canon events (as well as things that were not mentioned) about a game he was playing before he ever encountered them. When he encountered posts about 'kin, it helped him understand what was going on.
Ways people determine if they're 'kin (or if they're kinsidering - determining if a creature or character is a kintype or not) may involve meditation or heavily surrounding themselves with the source material of the character. For kintypes specifically, confirming something is a kintype is often called kinfirming.
Therians have a concept of awakening as well, and I assume it's similar to how otherkin handle it. It seems vampires also have a sense of this. Non-spiritual communities often do not have this concept, and I'm unsure if things like psychological kin do.
This website has some questionable posts about plurality...
Special thanks to my friend, who wanted to remain anonymous.
- Kin: Believing that you or your soul is a reincarnation of something
- Elf Queen's Daughters: First traceable group with a similar concept to kin
- Awakening: The process one goes through as they realize they might be 'kin. Old term, often only really used nowadays by the Elf Queen's Daughters and their various offshoots, but was used even by fictionkin for a while
- Real vampires: People who believe themselves to be vampires - ranges from feeding off psychic energy to drinking actual blood
- Otherkin: Kin, usually with animals or other nonhuman creatures
- Kintype: What you're kin with (eg foxkin)
- Therianthropy: Similar to otherkin but not, usually only with animals that exist in this world. Was Lycanthropy until 1994
- Fictionkin: Kin, namely with fictional characters. This was what otakukin rebranded to
- Source: Where the thing you're kin with comes from (eg Dragon Ball)
- New-age kin: What happens when you don't know what you're talking about
- Kinsider: Kin + consider - to consider if you have a new kintype
- Kinfirm: Kin + confirm - to confirm you have a new kintype
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