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Category: Life

Dont buy in to the hate

 We are all living in trying times right now. We have a pandemic that effects the whole world but closer to home we are experiencing wide spread hate and violence. 

 Their has been rioting,  arson, vandalism,  assaults and even killings/ murders and yes, some of the killings were committed by cops BUTTTTTT with that being said, the cops are not the people committing the arson, riots and everything else.
 Not all cops are killers and not all protesters are rioters. There are others behind the scene causing all the chaos and inciting violent actions. You have groups like blm & antifa, yes I spelled them lower case on purpose just like I'd spell kkk or the aryan brotherhood, and you even have members of our own government involved.
  We hear of all these cop shootings but we are only told one side of the story by our supposed media as in the case of the cop shooting the 16 year old girl. The cop killed a young black girl but the media failed to emphasize the whole story. That officer saved the life of another young black girl from being stabbed by the girl he killed. 
 The cop that killed George Floyd was a bad cop and should have handled things differently but he chose not to and I totally agree that he deserves doing time but on that same note, George Floyd was no saint by any means and he could have chosen different actions to take but he didn't and it cost him his life and now one of our elected officials are praising Floyd for his sacrifice. Can you say BULLSHIT??? The man lost his life because he was on drugs and resisted arrest and the arresting officer was a bad cop that had been wrote up several times because of his former actions. Both men paid for their own actions.
 Now we have these so called "peaceful protesters" taking over and burning down cities and the people that they are all hurting is their own neighbors and they do this in the name of justice. Where is the justice in that??? Violence begets violence and it's as simple as that.
 If Martin Luther King was alive today he would be ashamed that his sacrifice was all in vain and who could blame him. Dr. King did alot for the advancement of not only black Americans but for the solidarity and unity of ALLLLLL RACES.
 If believe that something is wrong and things need to change then protest in a civil matter, vote out leaders that add fuel to the proverbial fire and last but not least, quit giving in to ALLLLLL these violent groups like those I mentioned earlier.
 Stop the hate. Their is no use for it whatsoever.  I hate everybody equally but their are those I dont hate as much....just sayin.
 The color of ones skin doesn't mean anything because if you remove the skin we all look the same.
 Im done with my little tirade but whatever you do in live help one another instead of harming them.
 Peace love and chicken grease 🤟🤟🤟

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