Hello everyone, this is sp00ky, from the internet, here to introduce you to my little corner of the internet
you'll notice that my bios on every site I have an account on all say the same brief sentence, "just a demon screaming into the void, like everyone else"
Because at the end of the day, that's what we're all doing, right? We all have our own reasons, our own goals, our own intended outcomes, but really it all amounts to the same thing, screaming into and endless vacuum of data and hoping if it screams back it chooses to be merciful.
I'm not particularly thin-skinned, but I ask that you not be needlessly cruel, and if you can't afford me that courtesy, at the very least be civil to one another. I protect speech, but I also protect safety.
and also, remember that as I in particular scream into this ever-expanding void, I can scream only one thing ever, my own personal, biased opinion. please do not take anything I say as fact or gospel and please do your due diligence to verify everything you hear from anyone. I am no source of information, the only thing I produce as an origin is thought.
I'm no teacher, but I'll tell you what I know. please take care to proceed with caution, and please heed any warnings of "do not try this at home." I'm not your dad, I can't tell you what to do, but please be careful. sometimes I do stupid things so you don't have to.
I believe in treating people like they're smart because they are, and I believe in listening to people that I disagree with because I do not wish to live inside an echo chamber in a world where every site uses machine learning to feed me only what it thinks I want to see. That said, in my communities freedom of speech does not include freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech means that if your speech is violent, it can be met with equivalent speech
[aside: that means punching nazis is technically free speech]
In my world, your rights end at my nose, and I'm not the only one in the world with a nose, and mine is not the only nose I wish not to get punched. Swing wisely.
I won't tell you everything about what goes on underneath the mask, but for perspective reasons I will qualify myself as American and White.
I cover some spicier topics on this channel, I will be posting content and trigger warnings appropriately because as a Libertarian, I believe you have the right not to watch something you don't want to so it helps in that endeavor to let you know ahead of time when something you might see and hear could result in you having a very very bad day. ;)
Speaking of spicy topics, this isn't my day job, and I don't wish for it to be. that means that the channel itself is not monetized and unless I'm in an utter state of crisis, never will be. I have the Patreon, the kofi, the whatever, because right now I'm trying to save up every little penny I can for, let's say for the sake of brevity, quite the undertaking. but in the future when I get a real job, social media will still be my hobby and the funds accumulated by generous donations will become generous donations themselves. I will be fully transparent about money, is what I'm trying to say.
an unmonetized channel means I do not rely on Google Adsense and partnership terms of operation because there is no partnership. If a video on this channel is age-restricted, it's because I age-restricted it because I felt underage people didn't need to see it. If you see an ad on this channel, it's because YouTube put it there, because YouTube does that now, they made a whole statement about it a few years back that they can run ads on and extract money from your channel even if you've opted out of their monetization system for any reason. So, run an adblocker here, you're not taking money from me. I'm also not as strictly beholden to certain rules, being unmonetized. as in, I can show film clips and play snips of copyrighted music with a lot less likelihood of getting copystriked, because I don't profit directly from the video or its contents. as long as I don't just stream whole ass content in a way that's considered piracy, I think I'm good.
That about covers it for some general, overall housekeeping. I expect you to behave yourselves within reason and I'll do my best to follow every rule I set, a law for thee is a law for me and all that. if content in the realm of conspiracy, left wing libertarianism, paranormal, neurodivergence, anything really strikes a nerve with you, I invite you to stay a bit and see if you aren't so put off by my chosen presentation style.
good night and be aware
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