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Category: Games

The PS Triple

People honestly need to stop dissing the PS3, it's genuinely one of the best consoles created and WAY better than the competition. The Wii is alright but it's mainly made for casual gamers so there aren't really any "hardcore" titles with the exception of probably No More Heroes, Manhunt 2, and MadWorld, though I will admit homebrewing it is super easy, plus it's cheap. The Xbox 360 is a good option for hardcore gamers with some decent exclusives, though the console has the infamous RROD issue and the online is paid, which is super lame. The PS3 though is the best out of all of these in my opinion. Sure it's the priciest, but it has some killer exclusives such as Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Resistance, and Little Big Planet. Plus the graphics blow the 360 out of the water, just a shame not many devs know how to use it, but comparing something like MGS4 to Halo 3 and it's crazy. The Blu-Ray drive is pretty sweet too, for those that watch movies in that format. The system doesn't fail nearly as much as the 360 does, it looks slicker, and the online is completely free. Plus, the system is backwards compatible with the PS1 AND PS2, allowing you to play any games you might've owned for those systems. However, I won't defend how Sony marketed it though, with that infamous E3 with the "giant enemy crab" and those fucking awful advertisements like that baby one, it just screams of arrogance.
That's about it though, the PS3 is kickass and everyone needs to stop dissing it so much.

4 Kudos


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MetalHeart's profile picture

Why am I just now realizing ManHunt 2 is on the Wii IMMA BUY IT IMMEDIATLY AAAA

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probably better on wii bc you can use motion controls for the executions

by Bakartridge; ; Report

Bucky Seifert

Bucky Seifert's profile picture

Da PS triple BALLIN

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Its games are As Ballin' As Possible.

by Bakartridge; ; Report