XxSyd_BrutalxX's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech


so this is the code I used (i inspected it from my myspacewindows93)

<div class="player box"><div class="songName"><b>Song:</b> <span class="songTitle">Better Off Dead
</span><a href="https://myspace.windows93.net/u/45719/audio.mp3?v=1618906507"><img style="height: 15px; float: right; padding-right: 1px;" src="https://myspace.windows93.net/img/download.svg"/></a></div><audio controls="" src="https://myspace.windows93.net/u/45719/audio.mp3?v=1618906507"></audio></div>

the things in bold are what you need to change (the song title and file link)

i'll update later if i figure out how to add autoplay

edit: i figured out how to add autoplay but its not allowed for some reason like i keep adding the code to my profile but it keeps getting deleted but here's the code for whoevers willing to figure out how to do it

edit: i you can use discord to host audio files

<div class="player box"><div class="songName"><b>Song:</b> <span class="songTitle">Better Off Dead
</span><a href="https://myspace.windows93.net/u/45719/audio.mp3?v=1618906507"><img style="height: 15px; float: right; padding-right: 1px;" src="https://myspace.windows93.net/img/download.svg"/></a></div><audio controls autoplay src="https://myspace.windows93.net/u/45719/audio.mp3?v=1618906507" controlsList="nodownload"></audio></div>

12 Kudos


Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

Femboy Kenny

Femboy Kenny's profile picture

I am using discord to host it, but it just makes it a download link instead of a player

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Adam's Wifey [06.04.13♥]

Adam's Wifey [06.04.13♥]'s profile picture

thank you very much. this also works on friend project.net

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✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯'s profile picture

Wait is this like a Legit Player thats not linked to Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Spotify etc?

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by XxSyd_BrutalxX; ; Report

I was playing with it. I dont know how to get like my own music on it. so I like have to stream it from somewhere else. im a bit confused by it.

by ✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯; ; Report

you have to find a file hosting website so u can add ur own songs

by XxSyd_BrutalxX; ; Report

OOOHHH Ok I will definately play with that next time.

by ✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯; ; Report


klv0n's profile picture

ur doing gods work

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