I've been thinking about shit haha and I honestly wish I could see myself through my best friends eyes :) She's always telling me how funny, smart and beautiful I am and some days I just don't get it lol... Not to be all "uwu life is so hard I'm a piece of shit plz tell me how incredible I am" because like... I know I'm not... I AMMM Beautiful and intelligent but like I don't always believe it when I say it (But also doesn't everyone have those days?) haha
I'm just so grateful to have incredible people in my life who always hold me up, but I really wanna start holding myself up, y'know? It's kinda fun writing this shit out though, as opposed to keeping it in lol... I feel like it's time to start a new life :) Gonna change it up a little and start living without fear! haha sounds cheesy. Maybe I'll just start living in the moment rather than analyzing every possible outcome of every decision I make. Yeah, that seems like a good idea (I hope? haha)
Anyway You're a trooper if you've read through this massive run on sentence <3
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