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Category: Blogging

☆ I might b motivated again!!

These days I'm feeling pretty great and happy. My social life is good, school is great and I'm kind of excited for this new chapter. I've got my exam results and I personally think I did pretty well for a first exam session at uni. Also now I can learn from my mistakes and do better in June!! Which is always a good thing. I think this is also what made me gain back some motivation. BTW there's this sentence I heard a few days ago and it really made me think "yes. that is 100% what I needed": 

"Motivation comes after discipline"

And it's true. I always tend to say "oh I don't wanna do this because I'm so not motivated to do it" when in reality, I just need to start somewhere and the motivation will come along most of the time. Because in the end it's just another way to procrastinate...



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cilica's profile picture

this will be my motivational moto, otherwise i'll do nothing in the end :')

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<333 glad it helped!!!

by Leasha; ; Report