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Category: Writing and Poetry

My Heart's Euphony

My Heart’s Euophony
By Mori’s Prodigy
Dedicated: To Myself
        “My Hearts Euphony, Pa rum pum pum pum, Pata-pata-pan, Pa rum pum pum pum. 
The Sounds of My Heart, a symphony ablaze. Pa rum pum pum pum, Pata-pata Pa rum
You wow me and leave my heart in an eternal Daze. Pa rum pum pum pum, Chut chut.
         Without your love i’d enter a panicking Craze. Pa rum pum pum pum, Chut, chut, boom.”

If my heart feels these sensations of love then why do i make it difficult to myself by not accepting them. Im afraid of what’ll be of myself if i do not meet these expectations. If i am so afraid of being afraid then i should just relinquish the fear of being feared. Why do i feel feared?

I Fear Myself Only
Not A Machine or a Man 
I Am The Villian
I Only Hurt Me
Why Do I Only Hurt Myself 
` I Myself Am Evil.

This feeling is a feeling that doesnt let me rest, The feeling that what im feeling isn’t correct to what im supposed to be feeling. I Know the Love is real, if its so real why do i reject it. Why dont i embrace it? Why do i get this knot in my stomach everytime i say “I Love You” I know i do Love them, I love them with all my heart. If i love them so much, why cant i accept the love
My Heart Loves You but My World does not
I dont know why i cant accept your love 
Your smile sets me free like a dove
Everytime we talk, in my throat’s a Knot
What would happen if i were to get Caught?
Would i be shamed and exiled?
Would they say i was never their child?
Maybe it would’ve been better if i had just Forgot.
                        The Decisions been made i cant go back
My Love for you is set in stone
My Heart without you is always on attack
Break my heart, and it’ll be an irreparable crack
I love you, you love me, this love is nothing but our own
You meeting me, i’ll never be allowed to go back.

This Love isn’t bad. Its a mutal love where we both look out for each other hoping for only the best from each other. Its why i love them, they treat me the same as everyone else. They treat me with love and compassion, the way they talk to me makes me fall for them every single day all over again. They are the work of art for which has blessed me in this acursed world. If i cannot love them then i choose to rather die, becasue a world without them is a world without my life.

2 Kudos


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