The Garden of Carrots and Tomatoes

The Garden of Carrots and Tomatoes
By: Mori’s Prodigy
Dedicated: To My Dear Friend AN

I Am a Carrot, still newly born in the ground. The Gardener planted me with the other carrots, because i am a carrot, of course they did. If i am a carrot then why does it feel like i’m not? Why do i feel this forefeeling of feeling like im not a carrot. I’m a rusty, oddly-shaped short, warm orange carrot. The other carrots around me call me a carrot, then why does it feel like i am not a carrot? 
I’ve only ever heard stories down here in the ground about them. stories of another type of plant, a Ripe bloody red radioactive peppery sphere. Its said that they grow above ground and that The Gardener hand picks them everyday before his evening supper. One day i hope that i can also be like them, to be treasured by The Gardener, to be chosen by them everyday. That is my Dream, to be a tomato.
I felt the faint, steady mist like water fall onto my head again, maybe after another meal i’ll finally feel like a carrot. Wait, no, something is different about this water. It feels rosy to my touch, illicit to my roots, like a scarlet beam raining down on me as if telling me to grow. I close my eyes and let the liquid pour down on me, liberating me of this frigid extra shell of a body. All around me i started smelling all sorts of things. A dusty lavender that persisted through the cold. A slightly disagreeable and penetrating smell of a fresh new savory world.
I opened my eyes and was met with something other than darkness. I was met with a feeble predawn golden ray of sunlight. I had always felt this light on my leaves above ground, but i had never actually had the chance to see it with my own eyes. I looked around hoping to see the other carrots that i used to share the soil with around me but instead i was met with those Ripe bloody red radioactive peppery spheres that i had heard so much about. This is a tomato, but if i am with the tomatoes, then that must mean that i am a tomato… right?
I am a Tomato, newly born into the vines, The Gardener brought me with the other tomatoes because i am a tomato. Of course they did. If i am a tomato then why does it feel like i’m not? Why do i feel this forefeeling of feeling like im not a tomato. I’m a rusty, oddly-shaped short, warm red Tomato. The other tomatoes around me call me a tomato, then why does it feel like i am not a Tomato? 
No, I Am a Tomato. No matter what the other tomatoes say, no matter what I think, The Gardener made me a carrot, but they knew i was a tomato all along. Here comes The Gardener. Its time for their evening supper already… They’re reaching out… They Chose Me. The Gardener chose me.

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