"Love" An Analysis

   Dedicated:To My Dear Frined LI
Love is an abstract concept. We envy it when we don’t have it; we rejoice when we do. Sometimes,  love is cruel, in our eternal search for love we let ourselves fall into a dark pit, with the excuse “Its for love”. Love is a double-edged sword, push too far on one side, it hurts. Don’t push enough, you hurt them. Is there truly any balance to the two?
The key to love is balance. If we don't love, we are unbalanced. If we love too much, we are unbalanced. People use love to manipulate. They yearn for the love of a True Guardian, a role model. Those who weren’t loved have no concept of love, It’s as cruel as it sounds.  If from a young age we aren't loved, we grow not knowing how to love. All these things accumulated is what makes love so complicated. Oftentimes we tell ourselves, “I’ll teach them how to love.”, allowing ourselves to be hurt in the process because we believe that we are doing it for their greater “good”, these are the so-called weak in love. Others allow people to love them, harboring all the glory to themselves but never truly feel that love, these are the ones that appear strong in love. 
Why does society push the motive that love can be strong or weak, there is the manipulator and the manipulated. Neither of these know the truth of love. The manipulated will do anything to feel valued while the manipulator will do anything to ensure that their “loved ones” don't. However, there is pure love out there. For some it's hard to find, for others it comes naturally.
 Its a love that breaks all boundaries, that ignores all rules, where there is no manipulator or manipulated.  This love is gentle and caring, it holds no hatred. It's like a flower forever blooming in the spring. It's a warm feeling that we feel deep inside our chests, like vines tangling around our heart. The breezes flows as a March afternoon, The wind lets out a soft echo, reminding us that spring is upon us. Yet, love is still like a blind man wandering into a bat’s cave. He wont know where he is until he has been swarmed by millions of bats.

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