Personal update

Okay, so fuck that schedule. Not really. Maybe a little. I tried the scheduling your daily routine, but whenever I look at it in my calendar it's too much and gets all jumbled in my brain. I'm wondering if I can find a calendar app with a widget in a different format. For now, I guess I'll strip it down to the bare essentials and just figure the rest out as I go.

Also, sorry for being inactive for a while. I was on the Reality app a lot for a couple weeks. I'm actually in a stream right now lol I actually started writing this a few weeks ago, and it's just been sitting here on my laptop. Been thinking about a lot recently, and I'm getting ready to move in a couple weeks.

I can't afford to stay where I am right now, so my nana offered for me to move into one of her trailers and only pay utilities. So, that's the current plan.
- Move
- Stack bread
- Finally finish English 111(Expository Writing)
- Work on my Accounting degree(or something else)
- Get a proper sleep routine
- Get my 2yo on a proper routine
- Get myself on a proper daily routine
- Exercise 2-3x a week
- Make time for art/hobbies and reading regularly throughout the week

I'm sure there's more, but this is just a quick brain dump. I've already made a list of things I'd like to make time each week to learn and saved it on my phone.
I'm just really hoping this move helps a lot since I'll be the only adult there to pick up after, and I won't have to worry about someone else's belongings being all over the place. I'll also be able to have everything organized how I want it and to implement house rules for my kids without another adult in the house not being an example of them.
Really, this is how it should have been when I first moved out before I had kids, but that's what I get for trying to be a part of the world instead of being the introverted hermit I've always known I am lol
I did promise my children's father that I would help catch up on what we're currently behind on with bills until I move too, so after catching up on this months bills it should be up to him. As far as him ever moving back depends on him, but I already know my nana would never allow him to live in one of her rentals. It all really depends on how well he can keep a place clean on his own since he's been claiming that he can for all of these years. Not to mention if he's capable of staying out of trouble without me around.
Hopefully he does as well alone as all of the shit he's talked about it. I know that I do everything better alone, and that this is what I should have allowed for myself 10 years ago, but things don't always happen in the order that we expect.

Until next time <3

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