rainy day

so its raining today lol i love the rain, its so calm, i also like the act that i live i north carolina bc its so many pretty forest (s) o have these cool woods around my area and one day 2 1/2 years ago i found some turtle shell and some of its spin bones, oh that will be a day i would never forget, such a lovely day, have ya'll noticed that i like animal bones yet XDDD likei wouldnt kill something just or its bones but i would like to find some bones out in the wild and keep them so the animal spirit knows that its safe with me :))) it feels my hear to talk abt things i like, i usally like taking to myself abt things i love just to see where im heading im my discovery in my new self. Im in class now and im looking around and im noticing that my art teacher has a fake human skull, im not surprised but it's the first time im seeing it, it's pretty but low key looks fake as hell XDD cute... he also has a paintong of a skull, i wonder if he mad it ... cool but anyway i gtg class is abt to start ( srry for typo's lolol zoom~ zoom~)

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