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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

ranking the lucas starwars films

why specifically lucas? cuz f*ck disney thats why. if for some reason you don't know which films are the lucas films, they are the original trilogy and the prequal trilogy. there are other films however, those are expanded universe and it'd take a real enthusiast to collect and view all 4 decades worth of this stuff so i'm keeping it simple with the films in the main series meaning, this list will only contain the first 6 starwars films. got it? good. i really feel like there was no reason to over explain that but, just in case. ya know gotta lay down the ground rules of the list.

1.phantom menace

2.reveng of the sith

3.a new hope

4.return of the jedi

5.attack of the clones

6.empire strikes back

0 Kudos


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