Sergey Ieffe's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


A lot of trendy websites and blogs removed comments features and suppose that people will comment on social networks instead. That's not true. Really more than a half of commenters won't tell anything. 0 comments notice, should be "Want to leave a comment?" or "Reply" smth.

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jhon's profile picture

I am here to share a webpage that had a lot of online games but i like nonogram which is more interesting.

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ledonna's profile picture

that's right, commenting should not be blocked, this helps new people express their views, if you are a foreigner, you can learn more languages ​​through quordle and waffle game like me

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Yes, commenting shouldn't be prohibited because it encourages newcomers to voice their opinions and allows foreigners to pick up additional language skills. geometry dash

by KenyaHauck; ; Report