I'm super thankful for this site. It gives me a escape from how horrible day to day life can be. My stepson has been getting in trouble Every. Freaking. Day. Sometimes it's small stuff, sometimes it's him stealing $200 FROM MY FU*KING WALLET or stealing people's keys at school. It's gotten to the point we have him going to counseling. I don't know what to do. Then I'm dealing with property fights with a neighbor trying to take half my backyard. I'm ready to throw my hands up and sell all my stuff and just live in the wilderness. Leave everything, just become a feral human picking berries and banshee screaming at hikers. I'd rather fight bears than deal with this stress. I'll brave brain eating amoeba when I'm bathing in a random pond. I'll make my own shoes from random plants and twigs. I'm going to go nuts if I have to meet one more teacher or lawyer.
Adult life sucks
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