A lot has happened over the last 2 years. There were ups and downs, well mostly downs since there's an ongoing pandemic with eased restrictions today, but there were still undeniably, some ups. I enjoyed my stay in Senior High were I got to meet some cool people, but eventually they turned my back on me without reason, specifically my former classmates and friends. I think that's a lesson on why you shouldn't let your guard down easily. I can only speculate that they were expecting me to act like them. Cancelling people, gossiping about relationships, stuff like that. Basically they're like a cult that wouldn't see the other side of the story because that's how bias they are especially when it comes to their own relationships. Eventually we're no longer in speaking terms and I still can't get over that. As expected, they act like nothing has happened. It's like they only used me for their own gain and never really realize the whole truth about my situation. I definitely regret calling them "friends" in the first place. Plus, they were the ones who approached me first, and they were the last to dissolve our friendship.
And so many days has past and I couldn't really hold it any longer. Hopefully this will be my last time I eventually vent out a heavy problem. I'm doing okay for now thanks to my SSRI, but eventually I'll be careful next time when I consider someone as my "true friend/friends"
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