this is a tutorial for making creations on Manyland., but there is other stuff you can do
here is a tutorial to get started on Manyland.1: to create you are going to want to log in first. to log in click log in at the bottom of the screen.
2. you will need to find the sidebar on your right. at the top of it you will see 3 tabs. 1 for collected, 2 for creations, and 3 for search bar.
we will be using tab 2, (the middle one)
3. click the create button. then select a type. scroll down to see more on types
4. draw your creation and choose attributes, to do this click the "..." button. I will make a tutorial for attributes later. for now just play around. the "cloneable" attribute allows other people to copy your creation and edit it and make their own version
5. click save, to edit it, drag and drop it into the create button.
6. if you don't want to keep a creation you can ctrl + click it do delete it. you can get it back if you do this by mistake. all you need to do is go to the 3rd tab and search for "in bin" and all your deleted creations will be there.
if someone else made their creation cloneable, you edit it and make your own version. just drag it into your create button.
Their are many types of creations on Manyland. when you click the "type" button in the creator you will see many categories. to change within categories. click one and click the change button.
SOLID: a solid is just a block that the player cannot pass through
ONE-WAY: with a one-way you can pass through it one direction, but you cant pass it the other.
STICKY: like a solid, but its slower to walk on and you cannot jump off it.
BACK: a background, like a wallpaper. it will auto-fill blocks around it.
FAR BACK: massive object in the far distance. for example a mountain.
WALKABLE: like a back that can be walked on. allowing you to walk up and down the page without falling.
THING: object that is placed behind the player. for decoration only.
THING IN FRONT: object placed in front of the player. you will walk behind it. used for decoration only.
BIG THING: like a thing but much bigger, used as a larger scale decoration.
BACK+FRONT: this has 2 cells and one is in the back with the other in the front. used for decoration
VERY BIG THING: like a big thing but even bigger! used as large scale decoration.
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<not finished post, more coming soon!>
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