From Project Gutenberg:
J'établirai dans quelques lignes comment Maldoror fut bon pendant ses
premières années, où il vécut heureux; c'est fait. Il s'aperçut ensuite
qu'il était né méchant: fatalité extraordinaire! Il cacha son caractère
tant qu'il put, pendant un grand nombre d'années; mais, à la fin, à
cause de cette concentration qui ne lui était pas naturelle, chaque jour
le sang lui montait à la tête; jusqu'à ce que, ne pouvant plus supporter
une pareille vie, il se jeta résolûment dans la carrière du mal ...
atmosphère douce!
Comte de Lautréamont (Isidore Ducasse) - "Les Chants de Maldoror" - 1868-69
Via Google translate:
I will state in a few lines how Maldoror was good during his
first years, where he lived happily; it is done. He then perceived
that he was born wicked: extraordinary fate! He hid his character
as long as he could, for a great many years; but, in the end,
because of this concentration which was not natural to him, every day
the blood rose to his head; until, unable to bear any more
such a life, he threw himself resolutely into the career of evil...
a sweet atmosphere!
My own synopsis:
I will state in a few lines how Maldoror was good during his early years, when he lived happily. There, done. He later realized he'd been born wicked: a strange fate. He hid his character as long as he could, but in the end he acknowledged the truth and admitted he was evil.
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