a few days ago i actually made the decision to break things off with dillon because I was being treated badly and i don't deserve to get treated the way i was being treated by him. i loved him and i wish him the best and hope that he's happy and i hope he finds someone that he is sexually attracted to. at the end of the day i really didn't see a point in continuing a relationship with someone that came out and admitted to me that they weren't sexually attracted to me. but that wasn't the only factor that made me decide to end things with him but i confronted him about hitting on my best friend and exactly what i thought he was going to say about hitting on my bestfriend happened. i finally decided to break down and ask him about him and he flat-out lied to me about it. like how can you sit there and lie to me about something when i have two other people telling me that they read the messages and even told me exactly what you were saying to her?????

i broke up with dillon
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