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Category: Life

Some Philosophical Ramblings

As someone new to this blogging thing I honestly have no idea how to use Spacehey. More or less what one is supposed to even blog about. As unfortunately I was but a child in Myspace's prime. However diving right into my ramblings on life and existence in general, I find it entirely fascinating how the media you consume can shape your being entirely and how you function as a human in in society. For instance I would have never even started reading Homestuck if it hadn't been popping up all over my tiktok fyp. Let alone even discovered the absolutely godly human that is Neil Ciceraga if I hadn't watch Invader Zim reruns as a small child and decided to revisit that as a teenager. This being said I wonder what I would have turned out like with only slight changes in my life as these are only small and consequential events in life, yet they seem to have changed the very fabrics of my being. For instance if I'd decided to revisit a different fandom in highschool My entire personality would be entirely different. I literally stole my entire personality from Dib (and his name), Zim, and Gaz. That rabbit hole lead me straight to Neil Ciceraga and similar musicians shaping my entire music discography. Invader zim literally inspired me to write fanfiction and now I've written a successful MHA fanfic and have started another. To think such little decisions have affected my life so much.

Branching off from that thought, I recently started homestuck and have read through act one and just started act 2. In act 2 john is being "controled" by another entity. Reminding me of Bandersnatch on Netflix. The thought of being controlled by someone else or some other entity out there is terrifying, but is it? If your religious is your God/s not that controlling entity? Christians have "free will" but if you don't follow the strict rules you face eternal torture. Our societies we've built up are also controlling us. Diving into this you start to wonder if you yourself as an individual are even your own person? Are you the one creating your thoughts, making decisions, dictating your life, or is there someone else out there. But if theres no one out there controlling us, doesn't in mean that we are entirely alone? I think that's the scariest question. 

But we don't tend to think about that. Instead we ask about the meaning of life, not the how of life. At least not in the sense I mean. sure we know how life exsits, but not how we as an biosphere are programmed to work. But is there even a meaning to a life that doesn't have a how? 

Thinking about it these questions seem so obvious, yet so many of us will never even ask ourselves these things. No one asks the questions we should be asking, only asking about the trivial things of life.

3 Kudos


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