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Category: Life

"did fucking baltimore give me an sti?"

i was just minding my own business as one does while roaming around this bitch, interacting with post and people as i find them yea. while chatting about my past and somehow my very single relationship status it reminds me of a now very funny story.

because the world was shut down for my 21st i decided that as soon as shit opened up i was leaving home to travel a bit. so fast forward to november of 2021. im vaccinated, boosted, like 7 months into my travels, and leaving a week long country and rap music festival to see my bestie in baltimore. to give yall some perspective according to google the festival had over 100,00 attendees, i stayed in a hostel and hooked up with maybe 3 strangers during that week so i was self medicating as much as my heart felt like it. i go from like wet ass 90 degrees to like 30 so i bundle as much without looking like the goddamn michelin man.

for like 2 weeks its non stop punk shows, funky art scenes, meeting strangers and the occasional hook up with a rando. as it gets closer to turkey day i pack up and head to pittsburg where everything hit me all at once. i had these terrible aches and pains that ripped through me like a fucking bomb and this real nasty beast that settled at the back of my mouth and crawled down my throat. i feel so bad for my uncles literal children that had to look after me for the first four days of my trip lofuckingl. i was assigned female at birth so you already know i dont go to the doctors unless im dying, well bitch i was dying. 24 hours after ive been swabbed and blood tested covid and viral infections come back clear so they send me to specifically tested for stis so im freaking the fuck out.

i felt so bad for my uncle but he was such a fucking trooper. i havent seen the guy in 17-18 years, stayed in bed for four days and he had to take me to planned parenthood hahaha. when i tell the nurse what ive been doing and how many peeps ive been doing the past few months, i can see in her face that she 95% thinks i have contracted something BUT IM ALWAYS SUPER SUPER CAREFUL. since i was feeling a bit alive i called my friends to give them an update in my scare and finally reach my bestie. tommmmmy got beat up right as i was leaving baltimore, was pretty dead and flew back home to hawaii to get treated so it was a bit hard to get him on the phone. 

im so sleepy and dont know how to end this but all my tests came back clear and the doctors told me it was nothing to worry about and just gave me pain killers. a week later tommmy told me he'd gotten strep throat and gave it to our friends val and amy in baltimore and he totally gave it to me too.

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