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Category: Writing and Poetry

escapism becomes avoidance

What do you do when all the simple pleasures of life like people, love, sex, drugs, and alcohol start to consume your daily life??What are you missing that you completely overindulge in forces outside of yourself? I think it's important to know when you're doing this and the patterns you have and that maybe, it's okay to count your drinks, count your blunts,  count how many times you vent in close comfort of a favorite friend the certain times of the week, count the times you can't commit, and the times you fall into your sensory pleasures and get lost with the sound of your whims, hopes, and dreams. May seem a bit obsessive to "count" but a lot of people can prosper when it comes to organizing and finding the triggers that make them want to escape from the reality they stand in. Why are more people developing addictive personalities, narcissism, and less empathy? It's a defense mechanism because of the environment we grew up in. It does that, it can harden us or makes us sad.

                                     (it's okay to still be finding your voice, I know I am) 

  I think many young adults escape to take back the power they didn't have as children in a capitalist-love starved country and always hearing the word, "no." when it came to YOUR OWN self expression. Maybe verbally but even people making mean faces at you as a child and . On what to wear, listen to, the manner in how to act, and overall how to conform that once you do so you are at an advantage at a "shot" in living the American Dream. American Dream. American Dream. Then we feed into it for some sort of validation or acceptance that we've always been looking for.  The American dream is truly an idea that changes with each generation. For mine I think ultimately it's just taking back our time and all the years of repression of not knowing who we are and wanted as children but the ideal and beliefs that were instilled in us that were not followed with empathy and just so many restrictions toward the same narrow path. Who wouldn't want to escape from an ideal that doesn't fit or compliment the world that is changing around us and how young people feel and see this constant cycle of discrimination against them. The trauma that comes with being young and the neglected. Don't we deserve our simple pleasures too...our moments of happiness? The answer is yes, but when is it ever too much and why do we become avoidant because of it?

It is usually when you feel yourself cracking like a piece of dry seaweed out of water. You have been spread far too thin outside of your element of self preservation and now lack the nutrition, water, and health you need in order to stay present. We spread ourselves thin when we decide we have to avoid our needs or that we cannot find a way to alleviate them in healthy and sustainable ways. I think a great way to help is to remind ourselves that we all have dreams that are important to everyone of us in different ways and to want to escape. More importantly, it is to know that we have the power to manifest our dreams instead on constantly being in our head about them. Avoidance might stem from fear of failure or being a perfectionist and wanting to wait until it's, "the right time".  You deserve to be present and to feel yourself enjoy the value of the life that we have instead of floating waiting for moments. You have to prepare yourself because the world needs you. You need you. The more avoidant you become no matter if you are not harming a damn soul but yourself, the more you will become indifferent towards the realities and neglect of others around you and will do nothing about it. Call it a loss of humanity if you will. Shit if you don't like yourself and believe in your humanity I guess you won't care for other's as well. Maybe you want too. But how can you when you are spread too thin. Help yourself first and forgive yourself for the things you've felt you missed out on and the longing and loss that once came with it.The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. With indifference all those small pleasures our ancestors fought for and prayed for us to have, we begin to lose to see the value in it and their sacrifices and reason. Then we start to feel more entitled and obsess with perfection... or poison? Becoming much more unmotivated and discouraged. Unmotivated and unmoved by people, love, sex, drugs, and alcohol. We disregard the long-term affects it has on our bodies, minds, and spirit.

Protect yourself even if it's from yourself. You are truly a temple and are so easy to love and deserve to reap the rewards of the fruits of your dreams turned reality and to feel yourself coursing through your own veins and nothing else. Regardless , fuck perfection just be kind to yourself and your own expression and know your dreams are important and that kindness is what the world needs and want. Whether it's for us or future generations to come because we need more genuine love in order to not want to avoid things that we know are actually pretty important to us and our way of living life and desire for a healthier community. It's just what we deserve we cannot put a time limit on unconditional love and the treasures it bears when we actively start to apply it into our daily routines. We are more than consumers trying to find what's next to fill in a void, right? 

40 Kudos


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Siara's profile picture

Well said

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Elara's profile picture

damn this is just>>>

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Shiuma's profile picture

I want to be more than just a consumer

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Bee's profile picture

ur so right....

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ash !!

ash !!'s profile picture

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you be nicer.

by idalisreigns; ; Report

ahh I'm sorry I put a heart but it didn't load I guess I really liked what you wrote

by ash !!; ; Report