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Category: Blogging


I have been typing this ever since I got on here. Facebook bought instagram and ever since it has gone downhill. As a 2000s baby I never got the chance to experience Myspace and this is probably the closest I will probably ever experience. So far I this site seems so exciting and fun and I hope to meet new people on here. 

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New & Improved Segaboy

New & Improved Segaboy's profile picture

I got sick of all the manipulation, drama, politics, & negativity of Facebook so I closed it & came here hoping to relive the good ol days of Myspace when everybody shared the things they had in common instead of fighting over the differences. So far so good, I've only found a few that are as active as myself. So we talk on the regular as the others are not so chatty. My crazy life has changed alot since touring with bands in those days. I'm married, own a house with 4 cats & been with the same company for 20yrs as before I didn't know what couch I was crashing on next. Lol

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Facebook is crazy bad. That's so cool how u found community and success through Myspace. I hope I have a positive experience like that.

by JJ3005; ; Report

Well anyhoo, it's rad to meet ya & if you find yourself bored or feeling like you don't have a life, you can always hit me up here & tell me how bad that Netflix movie you just watched was. Lol

by New & Improved Segaboy; ; Report