emo and scene clothing store recommendations??

hey, i've been looking for some emo and scene kid apparel stores with some sick shit, but i don't really know of any :')) , can i get some of y'alls recommendations that won't juss help me, but others with this problem too?? i'm from the u.s. with american currency, so any stores that are based on that currency and stores that let you use that currency is mostly recommended. but you can totally drop other stores too to help other people out from different country's!!

thanks for the help <3

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Vann Alexander

Vann Alexander's profile picture

I'd recommend obvs Hot Topic in US.
I know some on europe because that's where I'm based, I shop lots second hand tbh but I'd recommend kreepsville666 , killstar, attitudeclothing and maybe vampirefreaks. (Also dollskill might have cute stuff but they're super problematic for what I0ve heard).

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thxxsm!! i’ll def have to check those out later :))

by joeythearsonjunkie; ; Report